Friday, April 30, 2010

Ex-pat Blues

It´s interesting to debate staying in Mexico or going back to the US. There are other expats who still feel the way I did when I got here. It seems to me that the romantic spell hasn´t worn off yet for them, or they are in denial.

It is interesting that some think people are more open-minded about gays here. I happen to think that it´s only the cultural perception of masculinity, not open-mindedness. For Americans, caring about fashion and beauty is generally considered a feminine or gay characteristic. Here in Mexico fashion is important for everyone, too important if you ask me. It´s not that they´re accepting homosexuality. They just have a different idea of what´s masculine and what´s feminine, as all cultures do. We went to a soccer game a few weeks ago and at one point the entire cheer section of the stadium was yelling, ¨So and so is a maricon!¨ repeatedly, and the rest of the spectators joined in as well. I couldn´t believe my ears. This is the most liberal city in Mexico. It´s considered one of the most liberal cities in Latin America, and yet it´s appropriate to yell faggot repeatedly at a public event. I can´t see this happening in the US. Sure maybe now and then one idiot will shout something of the sort, but not without receiving a few disapproving glances, and the rest of the stadium would certainly not join in. Also, if you ask most straight Mexican guys if they think Mexicans are more open-minded towards gays than Americans they will say no. I´ve been around various groups of Mexican straight guys, and I always hear what seems to be the requisite exchange of gay banter.

I also still hear things like, ¨I just don´t like the mentality they have in the US,¨ or,¨ watching CNN makes me sick....¨

I moved here for these very reasons. I didn´t like the US mentality either, but the general mentality here is terrible! People are so corrupt, or they live in fear. Many are two-faced. Most people are horribly ignorant because they have no education. They don´t have the option of education. I heard that about 10,000 students are accepted to public universities per year, while a hundred thousand are denied. One hundred thousand!! So only ten percent of the population who want an education can get one. And my God, read a Mexican newspaper! That´s enough to make you sick. Everyday there are gruesome murders of innocent minors by narcos or cartels. Of course there are murders everywhere, but not like here. Many people who have there own businesses in Michoacan are threatened by cartels. They have to pay them or be killed or watch one of their family members be killed. It´s absolutely horrid. This place will be a war zone if they really do decide to fight the narcos. The cartels control most of this country. The president himself supports the cartels. It is a country run by mafias.

So, in conclusion, as fed up as we might be with the US mentality, we must admit that it is a great country in comparison to most. Unfortunately, we have The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side Syndrome. It seems to me that staying in Mexico and turning a blind eye (or a deaf ear) would be like living in the matrix. Great tasting food, perfect weather, and if you don´t speak fluent Spanish you can tune out anyone you want. All governments have corruption, all countries have a ton of ignorant citizens with disagreeable mentalities. One thing I can agree with is that the US has way too much initiative when it comes to war and ¨self-defense,¨ and some sort of innate fear of anything resembling socialism, but hopefully we´ll change that one day.

And, I might add that Mexico is a beautiful, exciting country with much potential. I don´t mean to offend anyone. Mexicans are aware of the corruption and hardship that they face. It´s just baffling to me at the moment how expats can bash the US and the problems with our mentality while failing to mention the daily decapitations, kidnapping and stealing from innocent people in Mexico. I´m starting to agree with the whole ignorance is bliss mentality....