Saturday, October 13, 2012

Are You a Political Black Sheep?

"I'll love you no matter what, even if you grow up to be a damn liberal..."

As you may have noticed, American politics have become increasingly polarized. Why is it so hard for most to find a common middle ground? In the United States, our political background begins to take shape with our families at a very young age. I remember very clearly my father telling me when I was a little girl: "I'll love you no matter what, even if you grow up to be a damn liberal." As touching as that whole I'll love you no matter what spiel may have been, I couldn't help but wonder what a 'damn liberal' was and that they must be really horrible people.

I grew up listening to Rush Limbaugh and wondered why he was always so angry. My grandfathers on both sides of the family agreed with him vehemently while my grandmothers tried to turn the radio down insisting that they keep it quiet around the kids. I tried but without success to understand why my family made fun of people who were concerned about animals and the environment. Aren't they an important part of our lives? I also noticed that every time there was a Democrat in the White House the world was coming to an end and the Anti-Christ had come into power. We were all doomed...It got old after about the third time. 

Other doubts that formed in my mind included: Why is California the Land of Fruits and Nuts? Why is Massachusetts a "mass-of-two-shits"? Why is handy-cap parking "handy crap"? I recall an argument with my father when I tried to explain that the Israel-Palestine issue was more complicated than he made it out to be. I quoted a couple of interesting books I had read on the issue and his reply was, "Liberals write books, so you can't trust them." read that right.

Over time I came to realize that my family is pretty extreme and that there were other people out there who shared my doubts and my beliefs. (This took a while as I grew up in rural Texas.)  I came to understand what a "damn liberal" was and that I might in fact be one.  Over the years I met some rare but well-informed, moderate people on the fence. Unfortunately these people are often considered uninformed and others insist that they have to make up their minds.

To this day I am unable to discuss politics with my family because their reaction to any opposing view or attempt to reconcile is purely emotional and unchangeable. It's like listening to a broken record. Even though I may not agree with my family members, I understand why they are the way they are. Their beliefs are innate and remain unquestioned. They formed many years ago when my grandfather's father surely joked about "damn liberals" and everyone wanted in on the fun. They also relished in anything negative, however inaccurate it may have been, about the other side. Sadly, this is the way it goes with most families and friends, and that is why today we only have two choices for president every election, one of which is currently in office. If someone votes for another party or a candidate that is not the official party candidate, it is considered a wasted vote. We are only one person away from having no choices. More Americans must reconsider and pay more attention to the gray that exists between the black and white. 

Here is a list I put together of some negative things each party says about the other. They are all extreme and a good example of how adults can fight like children. How many of us are 100% any of the things listed below? If we can see that most of us fall somewhere in the middle, maybe we can have more choices again, better ideas and a more effective Congress.

  • wasteful (environmental)
  • force religious beliefs
  • war mongers
  • only support the rich
  • nationalist
  • uneducated
  • homophobic
  • anti-government
  • simple minded
  • backwards hicks 
  • against beliefs of forefathers
  • wasteful (monetary)
  • atheist/anti-Christian
  • anti-defense
  • socialist/Marxist
  • anti-American
  • dumb (lacking real life wisdom)
  • anything goes
  • let government control all
  • extravagant
  • hippies 
  • against beliefs of forefathers


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